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Monday, September 12, 2011

Picky Eater

As a parent, we want the best for our children. We want them to grow up strong and have all the best nutrients to keep them healthy and smart. However, we have the struggles of finding what is the right foods to give our children and what foods they may like. My two year old is such a picky eater. One minute she loves veggie, the next she doesn't. Today I was surprise that she actually ate some my salad that I was eating. It made me so proud. So I am definitely going to continue to encourage her to eat veggies. I am a strong believer in starting early to introduce proper and healthy eating habits for your child. Therefore, it will become habit and they will see it as a normal way of eating.

I am sharing some information from I found regarding the right foods for the right age for your child. 

Feeding Your Toddler

Your toddler is making strides at playing nice, helping out, and speaking coherently (you love the sound of “Mommy”!), and it’s important to encourage that development with the right fuel — i.e. plenty of healthy, kid-friendly foods. Toddlers are hardly hearty eaters and are rarely keen on trying new foods, so learn how to sneak in wholesome foods, tempt a picky palate, and teach healthy eating habits with these month-by-month tips on toddler eating and nutrition. Then visit the feeding your toddler section for even more advice. 

One-Year-Old Toddler

12-Month-Old Toddler: Milk for Toddlers: Which Kind is Right 
Here's how to figure out which kind of milk — whole or reduced-fat — to pour into your toddler's sippy cup.

13-Month-Old Toddler: The Benefits of Fiber for Kids
Not only will fiber keep toddlers regular, it can help keep them slim and healthy too.

14-Month-Old Toddler: Toddler Eating Habits: A Few Golden Rules
Looking for ways to instill healthy lifelong eating habits in your toddler? Look no further. These golden rules will help you lay the groundwork.

15-Month-Old Toddler: Tips for Feeding Vegetarian Kids
Meat's not on the menu for your little one? Not to worry. Toddlers can absolutely thrive on a vegetarian diet.

16-Month-Old Toddler: The Scoop on Soy Milk for Children 
Is soy milk good for your toddler? Here's how it measures up, cup for cup, against cow's milk.

17-Month-Old Toddler: Breakfast Ideas for Kids: Best Ways to Start the Day
These scrumptious (and healthy) breakfast ideas for kids can give your toddler a boost in the morning.

18-Month-Old Toddler: Calcium for Toddlers: Seven Surprising Sources
How to get your child to consume more calcium (hint: milk isn't the only option!)

19-Month-Old Toddler: Iron and Toddlers: How to Make Sure Your Child Is Getting Enough
Could your child's diet need more iron? How can you even tell? Here's how to make sure your toddler is getting enough iron-rich foods.

20-Month-Old Toddler: Kids and Sugar: The Skinny on Sweets
Learn how to limit sugar and tame your toddler's sweet tooth.

21-Month-Old Toddler: Cholesterol in Kids: When to Check It and What to Do
Why some toddlers have high cholesterol and what you can do to bring it back down.

22-Month-Old Toddler: Healthy Snacks for Kids: 23 Toddler-friendly Ideas
Is your tot too busy — or full — to eat much at mealtime? Healthy snacks help toddlers get the nutrients they need to grow big and strong.

23-Month-Old Toddler: Eight Double-Duty Healthy Foods for Toddlers 
When every bite counts, you want to serve your toddler healthy foods that cover a bunch of nutrition bases.

Two-Year-Old Toddler

24-Month-Old Toddler: Getting Kids to Eat Vegetables: Four Tried-and-True Tips
Does your toddler hate greens? Try these strategies for turning a veggie loather into a veggie lover.

25-Month-Old Toddler: Brain-Boosting Food for Kids
When it comes to nurturing your toddler's noggin, mealtime is just as important as playtime. That's why you'd be wise to stock your kitchen with these brain foods for kids.

26-Month-Old Toddler: Probiotics for Children: A Natural Way to Heal Tender Tummies
When it comes to diarrhea, you can use good bugs (probiotics for children) to help fight the bad ones.

27-Month-Old Toddler: Healthy Kid-Meal Makeovers
Is your child addicted to pancakes, ice cream, and pizza? Here are healthy twists on toddler favorites.

28-Month-Old Toddler: Fending Off Food Allergies in Children
Peanuts! And eggs! And wheat! Oh my! What you should know if your toddler is allergic.

29-Month-Old Toddler: The Best and Worst Drinks for Toddlers 
With so many types of beverages out there (sports drinks, energy drinks, juice drinks, flavored milk, and more), it can be hard to figure out which ones are healthy drinks and which ones your toddler can do without. This mini guide helps you sort it out.

30-Month-Old Toddler: Picky Toddler Food Jags: Easy Ways to Get Your Child Eating Again 
Your toddler may be finicky with his food, but at least you can count on a few fallback foods you know he'll eat. What do you do, then, when your picky toddler won't eat his usual favorite foods? Read on.

31-Month-Old Toddler: Is My Toddler Eating Enough?
It's hard enough to get your toddler to sit still for meals, let alone keep track of how much he eats! But there are easy guidelines to help you figure out if your toddler is getting the nourishment he needs.

32-Month-Old Toddler: Kids Lunch Ideas: New Twists on Old Favorites
If lunchtime has become humdrum, it's time to put the pizzazz into some old favorites.

33-Month-Old Toddler: Picky Eater Problems: Nine Tactics That'll Tempt Your Toddler
If getting your toddler to try new foods seems about as likely as seeing Tom and Jerry make peace, don't stress. There are some wily ways to entice your picky eater to try something new.

34-Month-Old Toddler: The Sippy Cup: Simple Ways to Switch to a Big-Kid Cup
Helping your tot give up the sippy cup and teaching him to drink from an open cup is an important — yet sometimes tricky — milestone. Here's how to make it a little easier. Bottom's up!

35-Month-Old Toddler: Fish for Toddlers: What a Catch!
Healthy fish is a deliciously lean source of protein that'll have your toddler hooked!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Help..My Toddler has sleeping problems

HELP my Toddler has sleeping problems
I read this article and it has some good advice but I tried almost everything and I swear my daughter just don't like to stay sleep for long. I believe she thinks she is going to miss something. I thought by now, she can sleep 10 hours straight every night. But no..she sleep when she wants. Some nights she is very restless. I rub her back, sing, put on classical music, rub her stomach, pray, read a story etc. I'm the one suffering.

Here is some info from an article from

Help for Toddler Sleep Problems

One of the joys (and headaches) of raising a toddler is the near-constant element of surprise. And nowhere do these surprises loom larger than in the area of sleep, where the payoffs are high (“He’s sleeping all night!”) and the setbacks frustrating (“He’s still awake?”). It seems once you’ve cleared all the usual hurdles of bedtime resistance (“But I’m not sleepy!”) and fears (“There’s a monster under my bed!”), something beyond your little one’s control keeps him — and you — from getting those precious z’s.
What sorts of problems can disturb your toddler’s sleep? Some are ailments that come and go, like allergies, teething pains, and head colds. Then there are those middle-of-the-night sleep-wreckers like nightmares and nosebleeds, which can usually be tackled head-on without too much drama. Other conditions may be chronic and more serious — such as snoring and sleepwalking, which call for a long-view approach. Some problems, like sleep apnea, can be treated medically, while others, like night terrors, are phases that you have to soldier through

Monday, September 5, 2011

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Toddler's Memory

I swear sometimes my two year old forgets her lessons from school. I honestly thinks she is just playing with me. The teacher tells me she is so bright and I know she is very smart. However everytime I ask her to recite something for me she acts like she don't know. I found this article recently I will share about tips and advice regarding your toddler's memory

When Your Toddler's Memory Wanders


If you’re wondering about your toddler’s hit-or-miss memory, don’t worry. While it may seem baffling (and a little frustrating) that he forgets things so quickly, it’s completely normal. Here’s the deal:
Unlike younger minds, the toddler memory can actually store information. But what toddlers haven’t yet mastered is withdrawing factoids from their miniature memory banks. Why? For one thing, your little one simply hasn’t had practice narrating all the new and wonderful things he’s experiencing. He’s never had to piece together the parts of his day, so it’s hard to know where to start.
Another reason your toddler’s memory may seem spotty is because he’s focused on what’s important to him, not you. Think of it as the “absent-minded professor” syndrome — his mind is so cluttered with “his stuff,” such as the cookies and milk he’s about to gobble, that he has no time to focus on “your stuff,” like what he did at day care.
But just as it’s guaranteed he’ll grow out of those 2T jeans, his ability to recollect memories will grow, too. Soon enough he’ll probably be recounting every teeny, tiny detail of his day.
If you want to foster memory development, regular learning activities in the form of toddler memory games can help. But one thing for you to remember: He’s still really little and this stuff’s really new, so don’t scold or show frustration if he can’t remember things quite yet.
Here are a few toddler memory games to try:
  • Line ’em up. Arrange a couple of photos of your family in front of your toddler, then turn them facedown and see if he can remember who is in each picture. Is it Mom? The cousins? The dog? Give hints about each one before flipping them over so he has more information to go on.
  • Remember together. Some toddler memory games can be as simple as talking with your tot. After an outing, sit down together and reminisce about what you saw and did. If he can’t seem to remember, prompt him to get the juices flowing. “What were those squirrels doing?” He’ll learn how to tell his own (fascinating) story from your simple details.
  • Recall the day. Make it a habit for family members to share the day’s events at dinnertime or during your bedtime routine. That might be as simple as recalling where each of you ate lunch or whom you spoke with on the phone. You’ll sharpen your child’s memory skills and work on toddler speech while you keep in touch with what’s going on in everyone’s lives.

A few more memory tricks to have up your sleeve:
  • Give simple instructions. Because toddlers don’t have as much brain space to store information as older children do, dole out data in bite-sized chunks. It’s hard for them to focus on multiple things, and it’s easy to be distracted, so repeat instructions often, group “like” material together, and keep them really specific to increase the chances he’ll remember.
  • Ask memory-jarring questions. For example, when your toddler is starting preschool, instead of “What did you do today at school?” ask him what he had for snack, whom he sat next to during circle time, or what he did on the playground.