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Friday, February 18, 2011

Getting Rid of the Pacifier

Oh my it has come to that time, that I really want to wean my daughter off her pacifier. She is year and a half now and I don't believe in having bad habits. Yes it is a soothing tool for her. I want her to learn how to soothe herself without a pacifier, her thumb or even her laying on my chest. According to the Baby Center, some pediatricians and speech experts say 12 months is a good time to wean your child from the pacifier because this marks the beginning of a dramatic speech development phase. If your child often has a pacifier in his mouth, he may be less likely to babble and practice talking, or the pacifier may distort his speech. I do find her sometimes trying to talk with the pacifier in her mouth, and I remind her to talk it out so Mommy can understand she is trying to say. I also read it will lessen the chance of developing ear infections. I normally give it to her at night and when she has the urge to want to put her thumb in her month. Some people say its better for her to suck on her pacifier than her thumb. Unfortunately I disagree because, I definitely don't want her past the age of two sucking her thumb. I'm so sorry. There are people in the teens and some adults who still suck their thumb. That is not cute. Some habits needs to be broken.

Here are some tips to help your baby get rid of  the pacifier

  • The power of the pacifier
  • 1. Make it taste bad
  • 2. Give it away
  • 3. Go cold turkey
  • 4. Take it away gradually
  • 5. Take it away early
  • 6. Sabotage it
  • 7. Leave it for the Binky Fairy
  • 8. "Lose" it
  • 9. Read books about it
  • 10. Let nature take its course
Happy Getting Rid of the Pacifier :)

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